Women’s Career Network warmly welcomes law students in Uppsala to an evening with WCN Uppsala/Stockholm.
Are you a new law student in Uppsala and interested in getting to know other new students? Are you also interested in learning more about an organization which empowers women in their career life? If so, this event is perfect for you. During the evening you will learn about WCN, discuss interesting topics regarding being a female law student and a practicing lawyer, and compete in an exiting contest with the possibility to win a price.
We look forward seeing you there – don’t miss out!
When? Thursday 16 February 2020, 18:30-19:30
Where? You will receive a zoom-link
Please note that the event will be held in Swedish.
Sign up for the event below. The places are limited for female and non-binary law & business students, first come first served. Please note that you will receive a confirmation if you get a place at the event and that the confirmation may take a couple of days to receive. If you have any issues with signing up, contact us at info@womenscareernetwork.com.